If you haven't heard of Cake Lingerie and your a nursing mama, you are missing out! Cake Lingerie has a extensive line of maternity/nursing bras. They actually were so kind as to send me their Cotton Candy bra. This bra is one of their best sellers according to the website, and I can absolutely see why!
I struggled while pregnant to feel comfortable with my pre-pregnancy bras, and nothing worked. When I got this bra in the mail, it was in the cutest lingerie bag and I was super excited to open it. I immediately washed it and put it on, and it was like heaven! I was so comfortable instantly. The bra is seamless and is very soft and stretchy. Its not like a sports bra though, it has excellent support.
Once I had my baby, I had this bra with me at the hospital and I immediately put it on. Out of the other nursing bras I have tried, including one from Destination Maternity, and some sports bras from Targets nursing line, this one by Cake absolutely is the best hands down! It is the easiest bra to have on while nursing. Its my favorite, and I wish I had more of them. This bra is perfect for sleeping, or going out!
Heres a photo of the bra I got, courtesy of their website.
They have other bras as well. You should definitely hop on over to their website HERE to check out their other bras they offer. You will not be disappointed, and I can tell you this will be the best purchase you make. You must have a good bra, didn't you mother ever tell you that?! Well, having a good bra while pregnant and nursing is about 100x more important! Being uncomfortable is expected during pregnancy but Cake Lingerie can make you so much less comfortable when it comes to the ladies!
They have a store locater on their website to show you the nearest location! :)
*I did receive a Cotton Candy Bra from Cake Lingerie, but it was NOT in exchange for a review. This review was something I wanted to do on my own to let other mama's know about a great quality product. I was in no way compensated for this review, and it is all my honest opinion wrote by me only.